
Endorsements for Phyllis Davis, Managing Partner, Founder/Director, American Business Ethics & Etiquette Trainers Association (ABETA) through Concept to Licensing LLC


Phyllis Davis, Ethics and Etiquette Expert in American Business

“Phyllis Davis astutely and courageously calls for a new Code of Personal Ethics to guide us into the world of the 21st Century which she notes was transformed on September 11th requiring a dramatic standard of civility in all our endeavors; she is enjoyable, entertaining and a beacon for trust in a difficult world.”
– Alvin S. Rudisill, PhD. D.Hu.L, University Chaplain Emeritus, Distinguished Emeritus Professor. Professor of Medical Ethics in the Schools of Religion and Medicine, University of Southern California.

“Phyllis Davis guides us all through those unsure moments of our complex, stressful, past-paced and depersonalized corporate lives, helping us to put one foot in front of another in putting our best foot forward. She sets an example for us all to follow. Thank you Phyllis. The world is a better place thanks to you.” –  Tom Silveri, CEO and President of DBM, Inc.  DBM is the world’s leading provider of strategic human resource solutions with more than 225 locations in 47 countries

“Phyllis Davis offers practical advice for everyone or anyone who works with people. . . that advice creates goodwill for success for all people in every kind of business.” – Rear Admiral Mack C. Gaston, United States Navy (Ret) after 31 years; Vice President of Global Government Solutions, Electronic Data Systems (EDS), Herndon, Virginia

“Phyllis Davis says The New York Times and Martha Stewart indicate that the ethical breakdown in American business continues long after Enron. She says the American culture may be to blame for demanding greater and greater results and more journalistic home runs.” – USA Today

“Not since Dale Carnegie has there been a person with the ability to effect so many people in such a positive way. Phyllis shows us and teaches how to enrich our business and personal lives. The pleasant surprise is realizing that her information is applicable in everyday life. Phyllis Davis has shown us not only how to succeed in business but more importantly how to be better people.”
– Carl W. Starr Jr. – President of TPG Inc., James Webb Space Telescope – Aerospace Engineering

“All things being equal, Phyllis Davis believes business equality can make or break a deal.” – Washington Business Journal

“Newsflash: If the first impression you make with someone is less than positive, it takes 20 positive second impressions to change their mind and win them over. Phyllis knows that.”
Entrepreneur Magazine

“Magic would be the word for the timing and message Ms. Davis brings to the world. As the General Manager of a Private Business Club in Los Angeles, California, I have the honor of meeting many people from all professions and walks of life. The most consistent thread of conversation since the collapse of several major corporations in 2002 has been the decay of corporate integrity and civility. Phyllis Davis is beneficial to business and society as a whole. She was a scheduled speaker at the Club for a three-part session by which she captured her audiences with the future essence and needs of business. The zest by which she presented this well-timed message infused and inspired all the attendees.” – Larry Ahlquist, General Manager, City Club on Bunker Hill in Los Angeles, California, Private Business Club with Club Corp

“While some may dismiss etiquette, manners and chivalry as meaningless leftoveers from a bygone era, Davis contends that etiquette is an extension of an individuals larger ethical values.”
– Long Beach Business Journal

“Phyllis Davis explains “how to . . . when to . . . where to” and is a reference guide for today’s complicated business and personal situations. I recommend her for any endeavor she explores. She’s talented, very funny and an asset to any group.” – David R. Froelke, General Manager, Westfield Corporation, Inc. – The Westfield Group is one of the world’s leading shopping center organizations with 109 shopping centers in four countries that comprise almost 90 million square feet of retail space and include 16,600 retailers

“Marketers whose eyes glaze over upon the utterance of the words business ethics might want to reconsider. After all, reasoned author-executive coach Phyllis Davis, if enough consumers or stores lose faith in various brands, “there could be a domino effect that hurts our economy.” Davis’ low tech solution? An old school brown bag lunch. “People need to sit together and talk about what works, what doesn’t, and where things are breaking down in their companies,” she advised. “People need to go back and hold themselves accountable.” – WWD – Women’s Wear Daily

“The County of Los Angeles is home to nearly 10 million residents and employs more than 90,000 people of diverse cultures and backgrounds. As Personnel Directors, we work as strategic partners with department managers and supervisors and advise them in employee relations and disciplinary matters. Phyllis Davis spoke to our group recently and we found her information and presentation style very informative and very enjoyable. Her content is well delivered and she takes a look at real workplace issues, and how professionalism, ethical behavior and simple courtesy can enhance our work environment. After hearing Ms. Davis spoke to our committee and reading her book, we felt we had another set of tools to help us with our mission of providing excellent public service.” – Elaine Palaiologos, Los Angeles County Personnel Directors’ Committee, Los Angeles County Public Defender

“I found the American Business Etiquette Trainers Association (ABETA) while online searching for training for the employees I manage. I liked the cutting-edge online education that Phyllis Davis offers and became intrigued with the idea of providing this training myself. I was delighted to discover that I could be certified as an American Business Etiquette Trainer and began receiving instruction immediately.

Phyllis arranged counsel by phone and in person. She exemplifies graciousness and generosity and prepared me in ways I had not anticipated, giving me the full benefit of her extensive experience. I came away with complete confidence that I can train others in a subject that provides value to customers, is highly marketable, and truly helps people to move forward in life. Phyllis provided not just excellent materials, not only outstanding grounding in the subject, but invaluable encouragement and inspiration.

Sometimes we know exactly where we are going and other times we stumble fortuitously into a good place. I am grateful that I happened upon Phyllis Davis and ABETA. I recommend both with enthusiasm!”
-Sue Thompson, American Business Etiquette Expert, Wilmington, Delaware

“As a physician and a businessman, nothing has given me more insight into relating with people than Phyllis Davis. She brings us back to the very roots of being human, and teaches us how our success relates to our subtle interactions and behaviors with others. Thank you Mrs. Davis for reminding me of my bedside manners! Regardless of your profession, or your discipline, you need to learn what Phyllis Davis knows. She is Powerful and succinct and has an important message for us all.” – Sam Rabinowitz, M.D., President, MemberConnect.biz

“Finally, someone simply spells out what we all think we know about business etiquette. Phyllis Davis captures the essential pieces of business etiquette, to command a stronger personal presence. Ms. Davis sets the stage for personal growth that is measurable in business interactions during a time when integrity is in the spotlight. Phyllis should be applauded for putting together a dynamic reference that can be used by newbies or seasoned veterans looking for an edge.” – Kurt James – Manager of Human Resources Operations for the world’s largest provider of broadband services

“I have known Phyllis Davis for many years and continue to be a great fan of hers. The idea that an individual can make a difference in changing their culture regarding ethics is a powerful force. It is one that cannot only be revolutionary but evolutionary. We need to evolve into a culture of personal accountability and this begins with each of us. Phyllis delivers her message as clearly and as powerfully as anyone in America today.

I will continue to use messages in changing my company and therefore my country to live to a higher standard. I have no greater praise for her then to give you this advice. Listen to her speak, hire her to train and speak for your people and then go change your world.” – Phillip S. Estes, P.E., Regional Vice President, TranSystems Corporation

“My boss called on me in a big meeting, and I couldn’t answer. How bad is that?” “It’s not a career-buster, but you are expected to contribute if you’ve been invited to a meeting, so do your best to make sure it doesn’t happen again,” says Phyllis Davis, “If it happens again, catch your boss after the pow-wow and say something like “Please forgive me, I’m looking into that question you raised and will have an answer for you by Friday. Is that okay?” “This way you’re owning up to your mistake and also letting her know that she can still rely on you,” adds Davis. – Cosmopolitan Magazine

“Phyllis Davis really laws down the law about cubicle behavior in the workplace. She reports workers also need to law down the law and there are even times when they need to stop people from talking about their grandkids, pets and aging parents by saying, ‘This really interferes with my ability to focus on my job throughout the day.” – Wall Street Journal

“Since I first came to America in 1999; I have always been fascinated with the American corporate behaviors and culture. I have read, researched, studied and looked at many different directions on how to focus on American Business Etiquette, hence turning something that I strongly believe into a career – I believe I have found what I have been looking for through Phyllis Davis.

Having Phyllis as a mentor, coach and friend is what I need to be motivated to become successful. Phyllis provides many valuable information, advice, working tools and directions for me to pursue a career I am passionate about – Certified Trainer in American Business Etiquette. Phyllis provides that extra push I require to embark on an exciting and successful professional journey. Through ABETA and Phyllis’ guidance, I know I can achieve these goals. Phyllis Davis is more than a mentor and coach, she is an inspiration. Thank you.” – Siti R. Thompson, American Business Etiquette Expert, Houston, Texas

“The best way to describe my training experience with Phyllis Davis is AMAZING. I have been an etiquette instructor on my own and wanted to be certified in order to gain credibility. Phyllis’ 2-1/2 day training turned out to be the most exciting, professional and thorough training I have ever received. Phyllis is extremely patient, ensuring that her attendees understand all the information being presented. The information left no questions about how to set objectives and get started with etiquette training.

Plus, the training is fun!! The atmosphere is relaxed. I promise you Phyllis is the most professional and exciting woman you will ever meet. After you meet her, you will know exactly what I mean.

In conclusion, I highly recommend Phyllis Davis’ training to anyone who wants to be a certified etiquette expert. It changed my life.” – Sharon A. Hill, American Business Etiquette Expert, Chappel Hill, North Carolina

” Phyllis Davis is quoted as saying “This national battle for ethics in American business is an ideal worth fighting for – tooth and nail. It will take us all to stand and fight this good fight.”– IndUS Business Journal

“I was listening to your auditorium presentation for QWest in Denver today via satellite. I’m actually in Puyallup, WA. I just wanted to send you a note of thanks for what you do. Our company, customers, our stockholders, and our employees have suffered badly in the past several years and I believe the principles you talked about are the very key things that are helping to turn our company around. Companies and individuals around the country need to hear what you’re saying. From a corporate standpoint, I think we can literally gain a competitive edgy by practicing the values and morals, ethics, transparency, realism, etc. From a personal standpoint, I believe, I could improve my own success by learning how to keep the principles in the forefront, and by learning to apply more of the techniques you samples to us.” – Steve Terry, QWest Information Technologies

“Phyllis Davis has clear guidelines for coping with co-workers, avoiding gossip and turning enemies into allies. She offers advice for dealing with diversity, making positive impressions at social functions and conducting business aborad. But most of all, she advocates an awareness of how our personal choices can affect outcomes in our career,”
– Palos Verdes Style Magazine, Los Angeles, California

“I can say so much about my training as a newly certified American Business Etiquette Trainer. One, I know that I have improved myself right from the start with what I learned. Secondly, I am so happy to be able to learn how to gain rapport and respect. I have already employed the techniques and etiquette training I received from Phyllis which are INVALUABLE! It is a joy to see how having this training really comes to fruition right before your eyes!And third, this training was a totally relaxed and enjoyable experience! Usually I am ready for high pressure high tension. I had such great conversations in philosophy with Phyllis and she really opened my mind.

I was blessed to have had the opportunity to have personal coaching from Phyllis and I believe that because she is such a great teacher, I was able to learn the material and training so much faster than expected. I look forward to taking up the banner that Phyllis carries, and believe in the cause that she teaches. There is a movement happening, and an army growing…you only need take your place in the ranks of the civilized. I highly recommend taking Phyllis’ training. You will be extremely pleased with the results.” – Michael H. Kaleikini, Business Broker/Independent, Associate Certified Etiquette Trainer, American Business Etiquette Training Association, Las Vegas, Nevada

“Phyllis Davis is a no-nonsense teacher in corporate etiquette and ethics in today’s business environment is timely! She offers important well-grounded insights for the individual now entering the business world as well as those corporate citizens who want to advance their careers more effectively. A person’s behaviors, which are largely driven by the individual’s personal code of conduct, the language they use, and how they interpret the world, determine how successful s/he person will be in the corporate marketplace; and, Phyllis’ offers clear, practical knowledge on how to develop the behaviors that will help create success.”
– Steven Zuback, President, Zuback o CRC – Executive and Business Coaching and President of PCMA (Professional Coaches & Mentors Association)

“If a person fears their boss or employer, they’ll seldom speak openly,” Davis agreed. “If a boss doesn’t know how to manage and get the best work from his employees then—let’s face it—he or she is a poor manager.” – CNET Networks, Inc – TechRepublic.com

“Phyllis is the symbol of what she stands for. Phyllis Davis’ work should be taught in every organization. Not a stone goes unturned . . . she covers it all. Her teaching is a ‘must do’ in our business world.”
– Anne LeBaron, Southwest Regional Director, Dunhillstaffing Systems

“Davis believes ethics and etiquette are social trends that have gone in and out of fashion every ten years or so. However, she believes that back to stay unless their CEO’s want to risk jail time.” – National Public Accountant

“Phyllis Davis’ goes many steps beyond the traditional idea of “charm school.” She taught us vital skills for surviving in today’s business world. As an entertainment industry professional, I found her demonstrations of business dining etiquette to be invaluable. Such meetings are the cornerstone of my profession and I was very thankful that Phyllis set me on the correct path. She also reinforced some of the good, old fashioned manners that my mother taught me long ago. I needed to be refreshed!”
– Marlene Sharp, Director of Development, Renaissance-Atlantic Films, Beverly Hills, California

“I have had the good fortune to learn from the best motivational speakers in America. I personally own many of the tape and CD programs in the self help market. I had the opportunity to attend one of, and then all of, Phyllis Davis talks. I have found no other person, whom in time; America needs more than Phyllis Davis. She reminded me and will remind you, what American business is all about. We need her now to show us how to do business, as Americans, and to be the great people we are naturally. Many businesses have forgotten what it means to be American, and that is why I think Phyllis comes upon the world stage, at just the right time, for American Business. I look forward to attending more of Mrs. Davis’ classes, seminars and to purchase materials to help my clients and me. I have “turned on” every one of my clients to Mrs. Davis’ thinking, and training. Their business needs it and so does America!” – Peter Brusso, CEO, Infocard.cc

“Uncommon sense, invigorating and logical presentation. A solid business base.” – Suzanne Case, Office Manager

“Phyllis Davis believes the world is desperate for heroes and heroines and says she’s waiting for the first CEO’s to stand up during these difficult times and say, “Follow me. On behalf of myself, our board of directors and our employees, we publicly promise that will tell you the truth. We promise we will deliver a good product or service on time and stand behind what we sell.” – BizInk Silicon Valley

“Undoubtedly, gift giving is important, but is it an absolute necessity? In other words, would you be violating business etiquette if you chose not to give business gifts this holiday season? “No one is required to give gifts; it’s purely a matter of generosity and respect,” says Phyllis Davis, a business etiquette expert.” – Industrial Market Trends

“Phyllis Davis’ teaching was excellent. I feel so much more informed about how to handle business situations. Now I can follow the rules, relax and take care of business.” – Jamila Johnson, Project Manager

“History is philosophy teaching by examples, Thucydides (c. 460-400 B.C.). Success is American business taught to those who want to know it. Here’s to Phyllis Davis, Philosopher, Mentor!” – Elysia Waxler, Aerospace Engineer, Dynacs Engineering, Inc.

“At the City Club on Bunker Hill, we constantly strive to deliver only the highest caliber of Member programming possible. Phyllis Davis presented three standing room only seminars addressing American Business Etiquette. Her delivery is superb. She is a true professional with an exceptionally high level of enthusiasm and knowledge.” – Mark Costa, Member Relations Director, City Club on Bunker Hill in Los Angeles, California

“Excellent information for professional development.” – Phasith Nanthavong, Project Engineer

“At a time when American organizations desperately need to energize people and produce leaders at all levels, Phyllis Davis provides an empowering philosophy for life that is also the best guarantee for success in business . . . a perfect blend of wisdom, ethics and practical experience.” – Karen Norris, Norris & Associates Realtors, Beverly Hills, California, Voted “2005 SUPER AGENT” by Los Angeles Magazine

“As corporate America faces the challenge of restoring credibility and integrity, Phyllis Davis seeks to provide the necessary wisdom. Ms. Davis empowers people to reach their ultimate potential in life and does so by suggesting various techniques that refine one’s approach toward doing business and relating toward one another.” – Brian Weiner, Financial Consultant, Smith Barney

“Davis asks a good question, “Where does accountability lie? Does it have to be enforced by attorneys, or can companies monitor their own problems within?” Despite a spate of recent allegations, Davis believes the pendulum is swinging back to a more virtuous corporate culture The Public Record, Palm Springs Newspaper

“I want to thank Phyllis Davis for the opportunity to participate in her training program. I have taken many seminars and much business training from Brian Tracy, Jim Rohn and Mark Victor Hansen and some lesser-known speakers. They all have been a great help to my personal and business growth. It was great to have all that prior training. Yet none compare to Phyllis Davis’ training. Her information was the cherry on the cake.

The experience she brought to the table offered me the training of a mentor. Her training didn’t just give me the information as the others did; she taught me how to use the information. The biggest part was the personal mentoring that I didn’t get from prior seminars or speakers. I loved the information on learning my behavior style that was holding me back from business growth.

I believe it is all her experience and her creative genius that makes me most definitely live up to Webster’s definition of mentor, a wise advisor.

I must report to you that I am looking forward to a new career that her training has led me. I have been giving seminars in my field of advertising on “How To Write Advertising Copy That Sells.” I am so excited about the opportunities to speak on “Etiquette in American Business.” The thing that so excites me is the need for training and the money that is set aside for business etiquette that is so much greater than my field in advertising. What she gave me to build me business of etiquette training is much like receiving a turnkey business. Very similar to buying a franchise for such a reasonable fee!!! And, I get to keep all the money from my efforts.” – Barbara Gray Krause, Barbara Gray Krause Designs

“I have been an etiquette instructor for children for the past two years. I wanted to grow my business and focus on business etiquette. Even though I am certified in children’s etiquette by another outstanding organization, I did not feel that I had the proper credentials for business training. Well, that’s all changed now.

Phyllis Davis is nothing short of amazing and inspirational. I left Las Vegas with so much knowledge! Being able to learn from someone with her experience really is priceless. What was so striking to me, was not just her knowledge, but her genuine interest in my success and the specific advice that she has for her students. I am delighted and honored to know Phyllis and am confident that because of her my business will be even more successful.”– Jackie Walker, Founder, President, The Walker School of Etiquette, Inc.”

“My training with Phyllis Davis was truly an incredible experience. Phyllis’s honesty and insight (combined with her fabulous wit) put me instantly at ease and created an excellent learning environment. Phyllis presents the class material in a participatory demonstrative manner, so you can see the objectives in action.

Phyllis is the real deal. She genuinely wants you to succeed, and she is so generous in sharing her wisdom and experience. I feel absolutely confident that if you want a career in Business Etiquette, that ABETA training is the single most important tool to get you started.”
– Penny Province, President, Corporate Etiquette Edge